Broken Bread

In the past few months, God has taught me about abundant provision. As some of you may know, I'll be going overseas on a Global Partnership (GP) to Sierra Leone, Africa this summer. It only hit me the other day that I was actually doing this, although I've been praying and preparing with our team for some time now.
Friends & family who showed their LOVE + SUPPORT for the Sierra Leone GP!
Pinned on my bedroom wall are these two poster boards. The first one is a record of all the folks who have kindly and generously contributed to the GP. Thank you all! You are my heroes.

The need is great! But God is greater.
The second photo represents another thing God has invited me into: a 9 month internship with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship High School Ministry!

As I graduate from the University of Winnipeg this summer and get ready to experience a whole new part of the world for 6 weeks on the GP, I am slowly accepting the next step ahead. This fall, I am moving to Halifax, Nova Scotia for 9 months to live in community, be mentored in the things of God, and gain valuable on-the-job training with Inter-Varsity.

And I am so excited!

By September 1, I am hoping to partner with friends to raise $9,000 of the $12,000 needed for the internship. My prayer letter is ready to be printed and sent out. I'm feeling like all I have is a few stones and a slingshot going into this. Oh Lord, have mercy!

Like the miracle in Luke 9 of the 5,000 men being fed by 5 loaves and 2 fish, what was left over were 12 basketfuls of broken bread. Here I am with a need waiting and trusting for provision.


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