Broken Bread
In the past few months, God has taught me about abundant provision. As some of you may know, I'll be going overseas on a Global Partnership (GP) to Sierra Leone, Africa this summer. It only hit me the other day that I was actually doing this, although I've been praying and preparing with our team for some time now.
Friends & family who showed their LOVE + SUPPORT for the Sierra Leone GP! |
Pinned on my bedroom wall are these two poster boards. The first one is a record of all the folks who have kindly and generously contributed to the GP. Thank you all! You are my heroes.
The need is great! But God is greater. |
The second photo represents another thing God has invited me into: a 9 month internship with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship High School Ministry!
As I graduate from the University of Winnipeg this summer and get ready to experience a whole new part of the world for 6 weeks on the GP, I am slowly accepting the next step ahead. This fall, I am moving to Halifax, Nova Scotia for 9 months to live in community, be mentored in the things of God, and gain valuable on-the-job training with Inter-Varsity.
And I am so excited!
By September 1, I am hoping to partner with friends to raise $9,000 of the $12,000 needed for the internship. My prayer letter is ready to be printed and sent out. I'm feeling like all I have is a few stones and a slingshot going into this. Oh Lord, have mercy!
Like the miracle in Luke 9 of the 5,000 men being fed by 5 loaves and 2 fish, what was left over were 12 basketfuls of broken bread. Here I am with a need waiting and trusting for provision.
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